Lorenco completed his tertiary studies at the University of South Africa and training contract at Theron Du Plessis Durbanville simultaneously. He completed his training contract in December 2021. He started as an Audit Supervisor at Moore Stellenbosch in January 2022 and wrote both the South African Institution of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) board examinations in the same year. He joined Baker Tilly Cayman in January 2023 and registered with the SAICA as a South African Chartered Accountant as he passed the mandatory board examinations.
Lorenco has more than 7 years of audit and accounting experience with a strong technical competence of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), consolidations and management accounting principles. He has experience in the audit of investment funds and operating companies in various industries including hedge funds, private equity funds, agricultural & forestry, fresh produce exportation, information and communication technologies, manufacturing, real estate, retail, service.