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Webinar: IRS’s recent warning about micro-captives

Apr 21, 2020

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently issued Letter 6336 reminding every investor in a micro-captive about the IRS’s continuing focus on micro-captive transactions. Micro-captives are the No. 1 transaction of focus for the IRS’s Civil Division and No. 2 on the IRS’s Criminal Division’s list. Individuals who have ownership interests in micro-captives and professionals involved in the planning and operation of micro-captive arrangements have many questions with few answers about a path to move forward.

Who should watch

  • Micro-captive managers
  • Individuals with ownership interests in micro-captive insurance companies
  • Professionals that advise on section 831(b) micro-captive arrangement


  • Carrie Small, CPA, MST, partner
  • Mark Heroux, J.D., principal

You can view the full webinar here.

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